The Mashup Train Ride Interactive Projection is a software application developed by Fluid New Media Lab during the course of 8 weeks, in a workshop lead by teaching artists Sofia Paraskeva and Gabriel Roldos. Participants Ellen Pearlman, Esmeralda Kosmatopoulus, Carlos Martinez, Miroshlava Palavacini, Elizabeth Schwabe, Thelmo Cordones, Adriana Velasco and Paulina Ramirez, created video clips that relate to the experience of blending people from different cultures in or around trains. We used Pure Data, a real-time graphical dataflow programming environment for audio, video, and graphical processing, to create an interactive software application that mixes videos when the environment sound levels are high (ex. a train passing). The art piece combines the video clips and the computer software in a projection that relates to the mashup of events someone can experience in a train ride. This project was made possible, in part, with funds from the “Decentralization Program”, a re-grant program of the New York State Council on the Arts, administered by the Queens Council on the Arts, and additional support from Local Project Art Space.
The 7 Train Video Mashup Project was presented at Local Project on July 17 and at NARS Foundation on July 26, 2012.